I have some exciting news for you all.
After a lot of hard work and late nights for the past few months, the new Accessory Freaks website has gone LIVE! All the hard work has paid off and it was all totally worth it.
As it’s almost Halloween we have a treat for you all. Along with the new website launching, we have a Halloween sale with up to 50% off everything.
So, the website went live last night and within only 24 hours of launching we’ve had a great response from all our fans. We’re really happy and thankful for all the lovely messages and support we’ve received.
There was a number of reason’s we decided to get rid of the old website and start from scratch. We found we weren’t able to do much with the old website and we’d got to a point where we wanted to grow and make the shopping experience easier and offer much more to our customers.
The new website will make your shopping experience with Accessory Freaks much more enjoyable and easier. We now also accept all major credit cards and debit cards along with paypal, so you have a wider range of options on how to pay. We have our very own landline number and a very cool personalised mobile/cell number which is 07891 FREAKS, which I am super excited it about. The whole website is much more user-friendly and supported across all platforms including all mobile phones so you can shop on the go.
If you haven’t checked out the website already, click here and check it out now. Go grab yourself a bargain.