I have a blog post all about Brauns Silk Épil 9 wet and dry epilator (9-561 legs, body and face).
This time of year I find myself ditching the tights and leggings and having my legs out a lot more and generally a lot more skin on show. I personally feel most confident when I’ve just had a wax. Nice and hair free! I usually wax my underarms, legs, arms and bikini area. There was a time I used to get it done at a salon but the cost can add up so invested in my own wax kit.
The only problem I have with waxing is that it never lasts very long for me. About 4-5 days after a wax I will start to see hairs growing back. As my hair is quite dark I find it’s more visible. No one else probably notices it because they never get that close up, but I know they’re there and it makes me feel uncomfortable.
I did a bit of research into hair growth and realised that it was down to hair growing in three stages, and I wasn’t the only one having growth after such a short period of time after waxing. The three stages are growing (Anaheim), resting (Telogen) and transitional (Cartagen) phase. There are so many hair follicles all over your body, it is impossible for them all to be in the same growth phase as one another. So, the pain and cost of having a wax and it could only last a week and then that painful wait of allowing the hair to grow back before you can have another wax is just too much for me, especially in spring/summer. Also, as I have sensitive skin I can’t shave. So, if I have a spontaneous night out and want to have my legs out and they’re a little hairy…i have no choice but to wear tights.
I got so fed up I started looking into epilators. Braun were kind enough to send me the Braun Silk-Épil 9 wet and dry to try out. It had been about 15 years since I had tried an epilator, so I was exited to see how the World of epilators had changed.
I’ll tell you something, after using this product I will not be going back to waxing. I have been using this product over the last 6 weeks and I am in LOVE and wish I had turned to epilators sooner. There are no shaving bumps or rash that some of you may get with shaving, low pain and low-cost compared to waxing and I can do it all myself where ever I want, bathroom, bathtub, shower, bedroom and all without having to get into awkward positions to get the backs of my legs, which I have had to do on far too many occasions. If any of you wax at home, you will totally get what I’m saying…you look like you’re making a terrible attempt at a yoga pose haha.
The best thing about the Silk-Épil 9 is that this product does everything I need it to do. The product is cordless so you don’t need to be plugged into the wall, you can take it where ever you want. It comes with a variety of attachments, so with this one piece of kit you can shave, trim and epilate. It can be used wet or dry, so you can use it in the bath, shower, bedroom etc. I can tackle hair from every part of my body, legs, underarms, bikini, face…the list is endless. The charge on this product is amazing. I have only done one full charge since I’ve had it and it is still going strong and that was about 6 weeks ago. Since my first charge I have done my underarms, full legs, full arms and bikini area once with full growth in all areas and the occasional weekly top up here and there. The only place I haven’t tried this product out is on face. I had a slight problem with the 2 pin adapter. It’s quite chunky and found it difficult to get it to stay in the socket whilst charging, it did keep slipping out slightly but still kept charging. I’m guessing it was just the weight of the plug was pulling it down.
I love how I don’t have to take hours out of my life to sit and wax no more. I used to have to schedule a whole 2-3 hours to get all my waxing done. I can now keep on top of the hair growth as it comes. At the moment I am spending about 20-30 mins a weeks just going over my legs, arms, underarms and bikini area and that is plenty time to keep me hair free. Plus side the Silk-Épil 9 is capable of taking out the smallest of hairs, so none of the painful waiting for the hairs to get longer.
It is a great piece of kit for travelling as it is light weight, the epilator, charger and attachments all fit into the one drawstring bag that comes with it. So, if you’re travelling and spot a few odd hairs you can get your epilator out and deal with them in minutes. No need for any mess that you get with wax kits, no shaving foams or razors required. I AM IN LOVE!!
Now onto the pain, something which most of you are probably thinking about. Even I associated epilators with pain but it’s really not that painful and I don’t have a great pain threshold. It may be a little less painful for me because I am used to waxing. I wouldn’t call the feeling you get whilst epilating pain, its more like a pinch or prick. The device rotates so fast it pulls the hair out before you know it. Please remember everyone is different, if someone says the pain in unbearable it might be ok for you. I think a lot of people are put off by the sound of the epilator as it can be quite loud and scary sounding, bit like a lawnmower haha…but it really isn’t as bad as it sounds…trust me. I prefer to use mine in the shower or after I’ve had a little soak in the bath, especially if there’s a lot of hair. I find the hot water opens up the hair follicles making it less painful. I would recommend that if you are thinking of epilating that you exfoliate on a regular basis to prevent ingrown hairs. This is not new to me at all, as I used to have this problem with waxing. With regular exfoliating you won’t have a problem at all.
I am in LOVE with this product and if you are looking for a new hair removal option please look into Braun’s epilators. They have loads of different options.
This particular product retails at £149.99 and is available at Boots. It may seem a little expensive as you are paying the cost all in one go but in the long run it will work out cheaper compared to waxing or shaving. Click here to take you to the Braun website for more information.
Hope you enjoyed that review…if you have any questions don’t hesitate to leave them below and I will try answering them.