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Nike Pegasus 31

Hi Everyone

I know its been a while, but I’m BACK!

This time i wanted to share with you my LOVE for the Nike Pegasus 31 running trainers. If you follow me on instagram or Twitter you will see i like to keep fit by going to the gym and running.

I started running over a year ago and I am now on my second pair of these beauties.I love these trainers and it’s not just because they are bright pink haha! They are a great all round trainer for the neutral runner that doesn’t have any pronation issues. Great for runs outdoors or workouts in the gym. They are light weight and very comfortable and look great. What more could you want?

For summer/spring i decided to get myself another pair of Pegasus 31 trainers, not that i needed them. I just fancied a change and these Pink Pegasus caught my eye.

I purchased both of my Pegasus running trainers from the Sweatshop. I recommend the store to everyone as most of the people in the stores run or take part in sports themselves so they are able to give you personal opinions and i have to say they are very honest when selling you products. I have been into many different branches and i have never felt like they were pushing for a sale. A bonus is they have a treadmill in store and you can try the trainers out and get a real feel for them. Also they can do a gating analysis and tell you exactly what kind of trainer you need as you might be under or over pronating and need extra support. It may be the trainer you’ve got your heart set on is not the right one for you. Whilst in store always take the opportunity to try a variety of trainers. I try all the trainers suggested to me and then make a decision. For me on both occasions i came back to the Pegasus 31.

There are a couple of things I really like about this model. I am a bit of a heal striker so these were perfect for me as they have the Nike Zoom technology in the heel making it more comfortable when landing. Also when i run my feet get really hot and bothered, which doesn’t happen as much in these and i think it’s all down to the mesh at the front of the trainer, allowing my feet to ‘breath’.

I’m a bit of a coward when it comes to the cold and the temperature has dropped quite a bit in the UK during the last few days…looks like I’m going to be doing most if not all my workouts indoors.

Let me know what your fav trainers are.

If you would like to purchase these here is the link to the Sweatshop store where they are still available.


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