BodyPower expo is the largest fitness weekend of the year and is held at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham and runs from 12th-14th May 2017. The three-day show is packed full of things to get involved in. Last year over the three days there were over 90,000 people attending. I’ve been for the last couple of year and I’ve not been disappointed.
So the show is just around the corner, in fact it’s just under a week away. If you’re umming and ahing about going, I think you should continue reading this post for my reasons why you should give Bodypower a shot and this is for all the fitness freaks and individuals looking to start their fitness journey.
1. Motivation
If you’re already into fitness or about to start, attending the Bodypower show will motivate you so much more. You will leave feeling like you need to go to the gym right there and then and hit a workout haha. For the entire day you will be surrounded with athletes and members of the public showcasing their amazing bodies and abilities. Seeing something online and seeing it in the flesh is two different things. I’ve attended the show for the last two years and the entire exhibition is bursting with so much energy and inspiration. There is no way you will walk away not feeling motivated. Ok, for a minute you might feel a little down about yourself but it’ll make you realise what you can achieve if you put in the handwork.
2. Meeting Fitness Athletes
Every year Bodypower have a list of amazing athletes that will be attending. This year you’ve got chance to meet Kai Green, Terry Hollands, Nikki Blackkletter, William Bonac to name a few. Click here for the full list of athletes for 2017. This is your chance to meet athletes up close. The wait can be pretty long but if you’re a true fan, its worth it. Most the athletes will spend a few minutes with each individual so you get to ask them a question or just tell them how amazing they are. Whether you get up close or just see them from a distance, seeing them in the flesh is very inspiring and motivating. Most of the big brands have their own team of ambassadors who will be available for meet and greets.
3. Freebies
I had to add freebies into this list as you get loads of them and there are a lot of people I know who go just for this haha. Last year I came away with bags and bags of goodies, from t-shirts, protein, pre-workout, shaker cups…list is endless. You will end up with so much stuff you’ll be giving it away. I must admit I LOVE the freebies as I get a chance to try new brand and flavours of protein, pre workout etc. I can easily get bored with the same flavour on a daily basis. The people who complain about the ticket price will also be happy about this as it will make the ticket price worth while as you’re getting some physical products back haha.
4. Socialise
It’s a great day out (for fitness junkies). You get a day out with your friends who share an interest of fitness and get to meet loads of like-minded people. It’s a full day of entertainment and you can get involved as much or as little as you like. I’ll be surprised if you walk away without making any friends on the day.
5. Discounts
There are over 450 brands that will be attending the show and a chance for you to checkout their products. Most of the stands have special deals on the day and some will even have discounts after the show. They’ll be giving out samples throughout the day and trying to entice you to buy something haha.
6. Challenge yourself
As i said there are over 450 stands attending the show and a lot of them will have challenges set up to draw the crowd in, and it definitely works. The challenges vary from peg boards, push ups, bench press, pull ups and just taking part in them can score you a prize and even better your name on the board. The prizes are usually a protein bar, shake, pre-workout. It’s a great time to really challenge yourself and get involved. It’s a healthy bit of competition and most times you’ll surprise yourself.
So they were my top reasons for attending the show, I hope they help you make your decision. If after reading that you’re thinking, ‘I’m going to Bodypower’, please continue reading.
Few tips if you’re attending the show.
- Please be aware that there are two entry times into the show, 9AM and 10:30AM on all three days. The VIP Black ticket and VIP Gold ticket allows entry at 9AM and Standard ticket allows entry 10:30AM. The VIP tickets are more expensive but getting that extra hour and a half before the doors open at 10:30AM is worth it. You will get loads more freebies and the queues won’t be a big at the stands and you’ll be able to get in line to meet your fav athlete.
- Take cash out (extra cash) before you get to the show. There will be some great deals on offer and many places don’t have card machines and if you want cash you’re more than likely going to have to come out the hall and walk a fair amount to find a cash machine. Plus pretty much all the cash machines will charge you.
- Dress casual as you will be walking around a lot. Most the time there won’t be anywhere to sit so you’ll be sat on the floor. Girls, ditch the heels its time to dress comfy and go for shorts or jeans. Most people tend to wear sports gear.
- Take a backpack if you don’t want to be carrying bags and bags of goodies. You’ll be given a lot of samples and literature, flyers etc. I suggest ditching what you don’t need as you go along and stick the stuff you want in your back pack, that way your hands are free.
- Download the Bodypower app on your phone before you get to the show and have some sort of plan who you want to meet, what you want to see and when.
- Take a battery pack to charge your phone during the day. You’ll be taking so many pictures and videos you will need to recharge at least once, especially if you have a iPhone.
- The NEC car park is huge, please please please take note on your phone where your car is parked. It is so easy to say, ‘ow i’ll remember, don’t worry’, then when you get back to the car park you’re thinking WTF.
If you decide to attend the show I hope you have a great time. I’m going to Saturday and really looking forward to it.