My workout routine at the gym in the past has mostly been based around cardio on the cross-trainer and treadmill and some weights using assisted machines. It has been about a year since I started to lift free weights. The weights i’m lifting may seem pathetic to the every day lifter, but for me they’re pretty damn heavy. Remember that no one woke up one day and started squatting their body weight. It all takes time and hard work.
The main misconception about girls lifting heavy weights is that they are going to start looking like men and their appearance will become bulky and muscly . It’s not going to happen, TRUST ME!! During the time I have been lifting heavy weights my strength has increased but I have in no way started to look manly and muscly. The reason for this is that women only produce a small fraction of testosterone compared to men and its testosterone that is the natural body building hormone. So, unless you’re taking loads of supplements you will not start looking like a body builder.
If you are thinking about lifting free weights, light or heavy it can be very daunting regardless if you are male or female. It may be particularly daunting and you may feel out-of-place if you’re not a regular gymgoer or you’re female, as you don’t really find a large number of females lifting free weights, or for men as most the men in the free weights area are hench and you have arms like twiglets. For females, don’t be surprised if you’re getting a lot of attention from the boys. Most likely they are surprised to see a girl in the free weights section and they’re being a little over protective of THEIR weights. Once they see you a few times they’ll get bored with the idea that you’re in THEIR area and get on with it. REMEMBER, you have as much right to be in the gym as anyone else.
The gym can unfortunately a very judgemental place and can be quite an uncomfortable place to be for most people. No matter how much I like to think everyone is getting on with their workout, it sadly doesn’t work like that. Not everyone there is concentrating on their workout, some are too bothered with what everyone else is doing. I have my workout plan, headphones in and some banging tunes and just hit the weights and try to ignore what is going on around you. It’s hard to begin with but you will get there and become comfortable.
I am really enjoying my fitness journey. With my current macros and fitness routine I am managing to gain muscle and burn fat by not being on the treadmill for hours and hours. My strength has progressed so much since I switched from using machines to free weights. Doing a chest press on an assisted machine and with dumbbells is so different. With the assisted machine you are only pushing the weight in one direction, with dumbbells are you trying to hold them up right and not let them sway to the left or right or up and down. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email me or leave a comment. I’m not personal trainer or nutritionist, just your average gym goer but I am willing to give advice and help where ever I can.
As I’ve been through the whole being new in the free weights area I have put together a list of things you need to be aware of or to do before you start your weight lifting journey. I was aiming for a few points but got a little carried away.
- Main thing is to feel confident with the equipment you are using. If you are already a member of the gym, speak to a member of staff and try to get a in-depth induction of the gym equipment. Not your standard pointing at the diagram on a piece of machinery and telling you the name of it…most of us have the ability to read sign and make out what the machine it designed to do. Say for example you want to start using the squat rack and never used it before get a friend or trainer at the gym to accompany you for a session so they can go through everything with you.
- Get a routine in place. This is so important to do. You can either sit down with a trainer at your gym and explain to him/her what you would like to achieve and they’ll put something together for you or just google it, there are tonnes of workouts out there. When I first started out with my fitness journey I never really had a solid routine. I would just go in and do what ever I felt like. For example, I’d jump on the treadmill for 15 mins, bit on the leg press, bit on the shoulder press and so on. Once I got a routine I knew exactly what I was doing and I’d get on with it.
- Don’t be shy to ask the staff in the gym for help…that is what they are there for. Whether you are struggling with your form, need some help with someone spotting you…most of them will be willing to help.
- Do not worry about the weight you are lifting. Concentrate on perfecting your form before you rush and increase your weights. Last thing you want is an injury as it can take weeks or even months to get back in the gym.
- Have a gym diary in a little book or as a note on your phone. Have your routine written out with the number of sets, reps etc. Then every week write a little note to say how your set went. For example, hit all the sets and reps, did you increase your weight, did you struggle and so on. This is a great way to reflect on your workout and see how you’re progressing. When you look back and see your progress it’ll really motivate you to carry on.
- Start to eat clean and refuel your body after each workout. Now I think this comes hand in hand with training. For me personally soon as I start training and my routine is solid and I’m nailing all my sessions I automatically want to eat clean and refuel and hit all my macro’s and cut the junk. If you don’t refuel, your body won’t repair and you’ll feel weak and tired and your muscle mass will not increase.
- Be comfortable in the gym clothes you are wearing. Just because everyone else is in skin-tight clothes or cropped tops doesn’t mean you have to. You are you and do what ever makes you happy and comfortable.
- Don’t worry about what someone else is lifting in the gym. I’ve been there myself and thought wow she’s squatting 60kg whilst I was squatting 30kg. We’re all at different stages in our fitness journey. Use what other people do as inspiration and a goal for yourself. Don’t feel disheartened.
- Please remember that not everyone’s form is going to be the same as yours. The proportions of everyone’s body are different and our abilities are different so when several individuals squat they are never going to look the same. I have long legs and if I was squatting next to someone with short legs we would not look the same.