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Watt Bike 3 Minute Aerobic Test

Hi all,

I’ve been really getting into working out and workout 4 times a week on average. That includes cardio and weights. I don’t like to be in the gym for hours, one I don’t have the time and two I tend to get bored, so I like to get the most out of my workouts while I’m there. I don’t want to be on a treadmill or cross trainer for hours whereas I can be on there for 15-25 mins at higher intensity and get the same or better results.

After mentioning my concerns to my fitness instructor he mentioned the Watt Bike 3 minute aerobic test, click here to take you directly to the test info. He was straight up with me and told me that I would hate it and it would be 3 minutes of hell…really encouraging right? haha. After putting it off for a while I finally took the plunge last week and did the test. He wasn’t wrong…I hated it!

The test is conducted on whats called a Watt Bike. This bike was created with British cycling for training and testing and using this bike you can accurately measure power output, pedalling technique and heart rate. Overall it is capable of estimating aerobic capacity.

The test started with a little warm up, getting used to the bike and peddling at 100rpm (revolutions per minute) for 30 seconds to see how it would feel. After just the warm up my legs were feeling a bit of a burn. So, for the  3 minute test I needed to cycle at a consistent speed to ensure that the rpm was between 90 and 110 at all times. The first minute went quite fast as it wasn’t painful and I could pedal without too much discomfort. It was after the first minute had elapsed that I started to feel a real strong burn in my legs and it felt like the timer on the bike had slowed down. For the final minute I kept my head down, most of the time with my eyes closed and I just pedaled like my life depended on it. I had my instructor at the side of me ensuring that I was keeping between 90 and 110 rpm and encouraging and pushing me throughout.

The 3 minute is a KILLER! After completing the test I had a bit of a fuzzy head, legs felt very wobbly then started to get this sickly feeling, but wasn’t physically sick. My instructor told me this was normal and it would wear off soon, which it did. My legs were that wobbly I struggled to actually get off the bike and walk for the first couple of minutes…I felt like Bambi.

Here are the results from my test.

Peak Power – 527

Power Average (W) – Max minute power – 165

VO2 I/ml – 2.1

Pw/kg – 2.68

Cadence – 96

Distance – 1.71

Max heart rate -190

Once you have all your data there are calculators on the Watt bike website where you can calculate Training Zones to ensure you are getting the most out of your workouts.

Please see below my Training Zone table based on a Power Average of 165 and Max Heart rate of 190. Please note on the Watt bike website the purpose and duration column will not be present, this is something my instructor has put together for me.

Screen Shot 2015-05-12 at 18.40.49


The great thing about working in Watts you can apply it to all machines, not just a bike. I can use the figures on a treadmill and cross trainer to complete my cardio. At present I am doing 4 cardio sessions a week and I have been advised by my instructor to alternate my sessions and do Intensive 2 or more workout and then following day a Basic 2 session. If for example I am short on time and unable to go to the gym for long, I can do a Maximal 2 session and only have to do 4-10 minutes workout. Basically, I alter my workout depending on how I’m feeling, but I ensure I push myself. I will be conducting one of these tests once every 6 weeks to see how my fitness is improving. Even thought I hated every second of the test I have to say it is a great way of monitoring fitness levels and ensure you are working out in the correct training zones.

Going to leave you with an inspirational quote by Lance Armstrong

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. That surrender, even the smallest act of giving up, stays with me. So when I feel like quitting, I ask myself, which would I rather live with?”

Please note: This test is not for everyone. Before conducting this test ensure you have spoken to a professional and consult your Doctor.