Hi all
How many of us spend most of our days slouching in our chairs and hunching over books or a keyboard? The answer is there are a lot of us. In schools, colleges, work places…the list is endless.
For years my mom and my best mate would always comment on my bad posture. I would get the following comments;
‘Pull your neck out shoulders’
‘Stand up straight’
‘Stop slouching’
‘Put your shoulders back’
I never noticed my poor posture until someone would say something and then I would suddenly sit up or stand up straight. After a lot of reading and analysing my posture in the mirror I noticed that I had rounded shoulders and as my body was so used to being in that position it felt normal to me and standing up straight with my chest out felt odd.
I decided it was time to make a change and sort it out once and for all. If you have a similar problem it’s not going to be rectified in weeks, it is going to take months and months of training. The muscles in your back have become so used to being in a certain position that its going to take time to retrain them. As I started to suffer with some back pains I thought it was really important to rectify it now before it got worse. I went to see a Physiotherapist a couple of times and here are the things he suggested and have worked for me.
Here are 3 steps that I have taken to help rectify my posture and doing all 3 of these I have managed to see a huge improvement in just a few months.
- Be conscious of the way you stand. Always try to have it in the back of your mind that you need to stretch your spine and stand up tall and gently push your shoulders back and push your chest out. I asked friends and family around me to tell me when i was slouching as its easily forgotten.
- Adjust your chair at work school and car seats so it is providing adequate support and you are more upright. Usually have a lower back support will instantly improve your posture and you’ll be sitting up right.
- There is just one stretch you need to do and one piece of equipment required. Buy yourself a foam roller that is approximately 90cm long. I got the 66 Fit medium foam roller which is 10cm x 90cm length and is £25.50 from the 66 Fit website and its perfect for what I need it for and at a very good price. You need to lay on the foam roller lengthways for 10-20 mins every day for the first month which will help stretch your muscles and lengthen your spine. Here are the step by step points and pictures to help you.
Lay the foam roller on the floor. Go to the end of the foam roller and gently sit on the end ensure your tailbone is on the foam roller. Spread your feet apart and secure them in position and use your hands to support yourself in that position.
Gently start to lower yourself down onto the foam roller, connecting your spine to the roller as you do so.
Lay on the foam roller ensuring your tailbone and head are on the roller for full support, keep your feet slightly apart and your hands on either side of your body for added support. Lay there are long as possible and allow your spine to stretch and relax and gently push your shoulders back, you may feel a little stretch in your chest. Take deep breaths and relax into the position. I like to lay in this position for about 20 mins a day. To begin with this will be quite difficult for some as the muscles in the back will be tight but gradually it will become easier. Start off by a few minutes a day and build it up.
To take it a step further you can stretch the muscles along the sides of the spine by gently rolling your upper body to the left and your legs to the right and hold.
Repeat on the other side.
There are plenty more techniques that can be used but this is one in particular involves minimal effort and great results to get you started.
I highly recommend the 66Fit foam roller as it is so versatile and can be used to stretch and foam roll all parts of your body. Check out their website as they have a great selection of products.
Please remember I am no expert in this field and I’m not specialised I am clearly informing my readers of what has worked for me. Always seek advice before you consider doing any new exercise, stretches etc.