Hope 2016 is going well for you all.
I have noticed a lot of people I know seem to have one common New Years resolutions, and that is to get fit, lose weight, quit junk food and the list goes on.
I think its great that people get on the fitness wagon and realise how important it is to exercise and eat healthy, but I see so many of my friends and people I know making the same mistake. That is they will go out and spend hundreds of pounds on a new kit (trainers, leggings, sports bras, sweat bands, yoga mats, the list is endless), gym membership and the New Years resolution lasts a short time (mostly couple of months). We’ve all done it at some point.
I’ve got a few suggestions. I suggest when looking into buying a new gym kit is to check what you already have that fits. If you already have a kit that’s ready to go, use it. Only allow yourself to buy something new if you have committed to working out for a couple of months or set your self a challenge to give up chocolate and treat yourself on completion.
If you are looking into a new kit then the key items you need are a decent pair of trainers and a good quality sports bra (whether you have big or small boobs). I really like Nike sports bras, they’re super comfortable and provide great support. For trainers I am a big fan of Nike Pegasus 31 as they are really comfortable and give me the right support. I currently have two pairs of these and have other trainers and always come back to them. Click here and it will take you to a blog post I did about them.
Please don’t feel that you need to wear branded clothing in the gym. I feel this worry is always in your own head and generally most people do not care. I have to admit I love branded gym wear, especially Nike and Sweaty Betty as I find it fits well, I feel good wearing it and they are long-lasting. But, that doesn’t mean if I find unbranded clothing i won’t wear it, no one really cares and if they do, they are in the wrong place. When in the gym you should be focused on yourself and your routine.
When it comes to working out, don’t just go out and get a 12 month gym membership if you’re not already into fitness. Sorry to say but most times its just a waste of money and most people probably use it for 2-3 months of a year, if that. There are loads of activities that you can start with and it will cost you nothing or very little and you can take part in your favourite activities with other people just like yourself who are starting out. Here are some examples;
- Running- There are many running clubs for all different abilities. I started with my local Sweatshop and went on a run once a week. It was free to join and didn’t cost me a penny, in fact they had a reward scheme where you could get gifts after completing number of weeks of running with them. When I first started with the Sweatshop I couldn’t run for a couple mins without panting like a maniac and after just 4-6 weeks I built up my fitness and I could run 5k without stopping. You all run as a team and encourage each other and get through it. I would search the following in your area, Sweatshop running club and Park Run to get you started. Also if you don’t like running, I’m pretty sure there will be a cycle or walking club near by.
- This Girl Can campaign classes. If you don’t know what This Girl Can campaign, it is a national campaign designed by Sport England to encourage more women to get fit. In my area they are currently offering free swimming and badminton lessons to get them back into fitness.
- Online work out videos are a great way to get fit. Only thing is this does involve a lot of self motivation to get up and get started. If you can do that then this is great. If you go on YouTube you will find cardio workouts, yoga, pilates…options are endless.
- If you have some workout equipment at home, dust it off and get it out. We’ve all got some weights hidden somewhere in the back of the shed or a cross trainer. If not you can pick them up quite cheap in your local classified section of the newspaper, eBay or Gumtree as there’s always someone who’s got excited, got a load of equipment and needs to get rid of it.
Getting fit doesn’t have to be boring and it can be incorporated in your daily routine and can be done as a family. The options are endless its up to you to motivate yourself and get started. It can really take some time to get into a routine and start to enjoy it but it you hold on you will find something you enjoy.